Africa Network for Animal Welfare-USA
At ANAW-USA we take as our point of departure the premise that all life forms are connected, and therefore, the quality of life on earth is dependent upon the state of the relationships among people, other animals, and the environment. To that end, our vision is of positive coexistence between humans and other animals (wild, domestic, farmed), anchored in relationships of respect and reciprocity that facilitate the flourishing of living systems as a whole. To achieve this, we facilitate mutually beneficial exchanges between the US and Africa that allow us to mobilize essential technical and financial resources to catalyze community-driven initiatives that innovatively advance positive coexistence between people and other animals, and that simultaneously protect natural environments. Keep reading to learn how we accomplish this through partnerships with amazing organizations and individuals committed to this cause.

Please contact us if you have questions or would like to get involved as a donor, volunteer, or intern.
+1 (970)732-0130