Our Mission
Our mission is to work with our sister organization in Kenya, ANAW, and other partners, to advance the inseparable welfare of animals, humans, and the environment by facilitating mutually beneficial exchanges of resources and knowledge between the United States and Africa.

Our Story
The Africa Network for Animal Welfare-USA received its non-profit status in 2008 and is a registered charitable organization in both the USA and Kenya. ANAW-USA works together with ANAW and other partners across the USA and Africa to support innovative and impactful interventions, exchanges, and programs across the continent that advance the health and wellbeing of people, other animals, and the environment simultaneously.
Community Partnerships
Including communities, their livelihoods, and their existing efforts on behalf of other animals is central to an inclusive & pragmatic advocacy model. This is rooted in the dialogue that must be achieved between universal aspirations towards the wellbeing of animals and the specific, culturally situated ways in which those universal aspirations take shape and become a reality in local contexts.
One Health Framework
All life forms are connected. Understanding the interactions among them is critical to protecting the health of us all. One Health is an approach, and a framework for developing solutions, that aims to improve the quality of life for all conscious creatures through a deeper understanding of our entwined existences. With this firmly in mind, all of our interventions and initiatives at ANAW-USA utilize a One Health framework informed by principles of regenerative development.
Africa Network for Animal Welfare-USA is pleased to announce receivership of the award of America`s Best Charities (ABC) for the years 2020-2023. ABC is an IRS-recognized 501 (c) (3) non-profit association of the nation’s finest charities. ABC represents charities that meet the highest standards of public accountability and program effectiveness and facilitates gifts to those charities from contributors in fund driven work. ANAW-USA has demonstrated the requirements for certification through upholding its core values and by working with governments, partners, and other stakeholders around the world to promote compassion, care, and respect for all animals.
ANAW-USA would like to thank all its donors, partners, board members, directors, and staff who have made this possible by contributing tirelessly towards the vision and mission of the organization. We shall continue advocating for the compassionate treatment of animals and the advancement of healthy relationships between animals, humans, and the environment.